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4514 Travis St UNIT 115
Dallas, TX, 75205
United States



Keeping this in the bag might add some distance!

My name is Travis, aka The Flexin Texan. I help you fix your body so you can get back to playing the game you love.

Do you struggle with back pain after a few holes? Do you wish you could get back some of the distance you lost the last few years? Have you abandoned playing consistently since a nasty injury?

I will help you train smarter, recover faster, and feel 10 years younger so you can enjoy your time on the course. 

If you have been sidelined and in a rut, reach out so we can get you on track! I have worked with ages 11-88 years old. Senior golfers are my specialty! I have also helped average joes, NCAA and NFL football players, NBA players and track and field throwers too!

I know how to find what is holding you back. Let me be your coach and show you a better way. Get ready to take back your body and hit bombs again!