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4514 Travis St UNIT 115
Dallas, TX, 75205
United States


Tales from the Texan!

TFT is live!

Travis Burkybile

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for coming to check out The Flexin Texan. Here is a quick rundown on what to expect.

I want this site to reflect my personal views on training, health, and fitness. More importantly, I want to use it to help people not only improve their fitness, but learn about their bodies and live healthier lives. That is why I am in this industry. To help others improve their strength, reduce their pain, and dispel misconceptions about what it takes to make a change. It may not be the most trendy or popular advice- but it will always be unvarnished and honest.

This blog will be a combination of quick hitters, research review, and personal observations on training and fitness. Please feel free to contribute suggestions and requests. 

Thank you to everyone for being a part of the journey. I am very excited to see where it leads. Please look around, ask questions, and tell me what you think!
